About Us


Corryong Memorial Hall is a building for a diverse range of activities, the arts,  community meetings, performance, cultural, dance, displays and local sport. It is always available to the community.


On arrival from the East end of town, locals and visitors to our scenic isolated town, will be welcomed by Corryong's iconic community hub, standing proud and tall. The same building being the last memory of our quaint little town when saying good bye.


It is a building for respect and reflection, non-denominational, not run by any particular organisation such as Lions or Rotary, but rather a committee of volunteers committed to seeing this resource is protected and used.


This building was built by community members with donations both physical and financial during 1952. It was at that stage the largest community building of this type outside Melbourne. The community held great pride and continues to hold great pride in this building. It is a reflection of community heart, backbone and resilience.

Three generations of several families now support this magnificent town hall...

Sixty years after it was first built as a Memorial Hall it still is a Memorial hall for successive generations. The only place in town where you can look at the Book of Remembrance and see the names of those that paid the ultimate sacrifice. The only place in the community where you can look at an honour board and see Australian Day Recipients. The largest place in Corryong containing a stage with performance lighting


In order to ensure the outside of the building represents what goes on inside, the life blood of the community, the structure needed to be maintained. In order to ensure current committee members continue on in their volunteer capacity and search for ways to maintain the infrastructure, they need be rewarded with financial grants that ensure the money is there to conduct the necessary repairs, maintenance and upgrade. There are only so many wood raffles and sausage sizzles you can do in a year!


It is used for Deb balls, and has been for 60 years. It is used for a range of sports and a range of ages. It caters for ages from 6-75 with Badminton, Basketball, Bowls, Dance as well as annual art and quilt shows State Elections are held here. This function centre is the ideal wedding and event venue. It is the home of the famous Man from Snowy River Bush Festival Art Show.


It is for visiting comedians and musical events such as the National Boys Choir. Our committee has a vision and a purpose and is committed to ensuring that this building remains in the community in active use respecting the history on which it was founded.


The hub of both the town and surrounding areas, the meeting place of families and friends through enjoyment of a vast array of activities. Families proudly watch their children perform on the stage, learn team building skills through sport, learn to dance, laugh at the comedian on stage, attend meetings.


Adults of all ages meet up with mates at dances, shows and sport.  For a short time leave their woes at home. Visits from our senior citizens in wheelchairs, on walking frames and sticks join in activities as desired. Access is certainly not a problem.


The RSL hall, housing a remarkable historical display of those brave men, women and animals who placed their lives on the line, in defence of their homeland, allowing us all enjoyment of the freedom we all enjoy today.


Recently the hall committee joined with experienced hospitality operators in leasing the foyer area of the hall to them where they operate Café Corryong Brew. An injection of funds for the hall but most importantly a bright welcoming extension of the existing community ‘meeting place’. Helen Marshall, retired Corryong College hospitality teacher, employs current hospitality students nurturing, teaching and gaining experience for the wide world awaiting them. Café Corryong Brew is a great attraction for the growing tourist dollar income into this area creating further employment to all sectors.


A conservative estimate of 21000+ people enter the doors of this hall per year. Without an actual physical count this may well be an under estimation. An example being the four days of the Man from Snowy River Bush Festival Art show, an estimated 3000 people of the 20000 attending the festival enter the Art show. Tourist visitation to Tourist information Centre during February 2018 alone was 2016 or 73 per day.


The committee of management, all volunteers, has worked extremely hard to raise sufficient funds to replace the leaking roof, old ceiling and to renew original electricals to this magnificent structure.


Through fundraising and community donations we have accumulated a significant amount toward the $250000 required, however the arrival of the Black Summer bushfires which decimated this pristine area of NE Victoria, State and Federal grants along with other funding was received allowing major works to be undertaken. This is now a 1st class facility with magnificent large stage, spectacular sound and lighting.

Adjacent to the Corryong Memorial Gardens our committee has been able to decorate surrounding walls with beautiful murals depicting aspects relating to World wars and sacrifice. This artwork is our commitment to appreciation of RSL and its members alive and deceased, in particular those paying the Extreme Sacrifice.


Our small community need to see progress and continuation of their community meeting place, to witness care and preservation of their community built hub and therefor witness respect for the history and work of its forebears.


The Corryong Memorial Hall will remain the Icon of this town and surrounding communities. Its committee of volunteers will ensure that is the case. We welcome you all to this special place.