
Both Memorial and RSL halls together with the Memorial Garden are of historical and social significance as a site to commemorate those locals who have served in major international battles.

The original Corryong Hall in 1882

Corryong was officially declared a township in July 1875 however it was not a legal seat until the early 1880's.

Corryong’s 1st police station was established in 187 but it was not until the first hall was built in 1882 that court proceedings could be heard in Corryong. This crude hall built by William Lloyd and James Sharp (Cudgewa identities) at first provided the necessary space.

The very first “Police Court Session” was held 18th July 1882 “Illegally using a horse” and “obscene language” were examples of charges!! Residing ‘Local Justices of the Peace’ were Joseph Hanson, Hugh Harris, John Jardine and Thomas Donaldson… all having street named after them!!

The Court House hotel (Top Pub) named due to the official place travelling magistrates preferred to stay and for a short period replaced the hall as ’Court House’ when the government deemed payment of 15 pound per year hall rental as excessive.

This hall was demolished and first Athenaeum Hall, a large weatherboard and corrugated iron hall, was built in 1891-1892 by William Ordish who also built the Coffee Palace (RC Browns building) and All Saints Church Corryong.

Corryong Courthouse hotel
Coryong Coffee Palace
Corryong Memorial Hall The Athenaeum Hall. Built 1914, demolished 1958..

By around 1913 this hall was decaying. Due to the efforts of Mr Albert Bartlett, owner and editor of the Corryong Courier, it was pulled down and the 2nd Athenaeum hall was built and completed in 1914 by Arthur Alberts. Acetylene gas lighting was installed (can you imagine how impressive that was!) .

Low and behold electricity was connected to Corryong in 1920 (24 volt from a power station in Greenham street.
1914 saw the first screening of silent films by Mr George Moore with his wife Keersey capably playing soundtrack on her piano.

Improvements to the surroundings of the hall included the Memorial Gardens which opened in 1926 and the building of a concrete approach (existing hall front steps) in 1931.

In 1932 a new floor and ceiling were completed along with other alterations making the place more suitable as a place of entertainment.

After the 2nd World War this hall had deteriorated to such an extent that if extensive repairs were not undertaken immediately it could not be used as a public hall.

Corryong Memorial Hall 1935
Corryong Building RSL Hall 1954 (1)

RSL jumped on board and together with raised funds and voluntary labour the now RSL hall was built as the supper room for the Memorial hall and meeting place until Memorial hall was completed. Once completed the Old Athenaeum hall was pulled down and works began on the existing Memorial Hall. (This is a story in itself of supervision and voluntary community input including school children carting bricks on site).

Ray Braham was president and Col McClure secretary. Roy Brown,Jim Nankervis and Austin Nicholas were the only original members running the hall when call to community in 2008 resulted in election of the present committee.

Building of the existing hall was by all voluntary community labour and contribution. Mary Lloyd (wife of Colin Lloyd) was instrumental in raising funds.

Starting May 8th 1957 with a penny drive netting 327 pounds she organised concerts, brick drive and a shilling drive finally making 2000 pounds by deadline October 1957. Colin provided the hall PA system.

Corryong Memorial Hall building works 1958


  • Largest dance floor outside of Melbourne
  • Volunteer labour manufactured 155,000 bricks (Parish lane brick kiln)
  • Miss Hales Nariel donated 4 miles (6.5km) flooring
  • Base piers are of brick with steel structure throughout.
  • The only performance size stage with greenroom in the district..
  • And it had a purpose built Crying Room… activities not always involving crying babies…. oh maybe 9 months later!!

Corryong Memorial Hall Queen carnival 1959

John Showers was UM Shire engineer and planning officer. Many will remember Dr Rob Harbison and his commitment to the construction of both halls often keeping patients waiting in the waiting room or a mother trying to hold her baby in until he arrived, while he took care of hall business.

The RSL hall was opened December 16th 1955 by Hon TW Mitchell MLA. The Hall was then valued at 32,000 pounds. Mrs George (Nellie) Sangster was caretaker of both halls residing in a cottage directly below the Courier office and garage.

The Grand Opening of Memorial hall was scheduled for early 1959 however was delayed funnily due to a leaking roof.!!   A grand ball was held with most of the community attending.

The Corryong RSL sub branch continued to lease the building until 2019 when Memorial hall committee became aware RSL members were struggling to maintain and enjoy the building. Lease payments were never invoiced from the current Memorial hall committee.

Our committee appreciate and believe it must support those community members placing their lives on the line to protect this community and afford us the freedom we enjoy today. RSL continue to call it home and take priority over other hall users.

Land beneath these buildings was donated for the express purpose of construction of a public building to serve the community. We are unable to find the name of that person dating back to 1800’s

Simon White Art RSL Hall Corryong
'Back to Corryong 1936' celebrations Note Memorial Gardens beside the hall (1)

The Memorial gardens including rose garden belongs to DWELP but maintained by Towong Shire. It is not the property of Memorial hall.

The Memorial hall is operated and maintained by a committee of volunteers elected annually. The present committee are:

President Austin Nicholas, Vice president Agnes Potocnik, Secretary /Treasurer Sheril Wilson, assistant treasurer Agnes Potocnik , Jai Edwards event organiser with 5 committee.

Up until 4 years ago the hall ownership fell to 4 trustees. Agnes and Ilma under instruction of committee fought a legal nightmare to change the ownership to the incorporated body relieving previous trustees of possible legal action in the case of public accident, injury or financial loss.

THE NOW...2008 onwards...

In February 2008 the previous hall committee called a crisis meeting. If a new committee was not elected the hall would close…and they meant it! A call received from Ilma Clarke late that afternoon suggesting we should go along and support the retiring committee. Ilma Clarke went home Secretary Sheril treasurer with Austin Nicholas and Greg Nankervis on board. Sadly Ilma retired from the Secretary role a couple of years back. We applaud Ilma for her years of hard, often mentally straining work as our committee struggled to 1st make ends meet financially at the same time trying to maintain what was by that time a building in a sore and sorry state.

Yes with a LEAKING ROOF and dangerous electricals!!!

We all quickly realised this community could not continually be ask for donation or purchase a raffle ticket. Many Thousands of dollars were required...like $250000.00???

Corryong and District Memorial Hall committee secretary Ilma Clarke and Corryong RSL sub-branch secretary Greg Nankervis
Memorial Hall Renovation

Ilma and I began opening dialogue with anyone who would listen and those that didn’t want to listen. Towong Shire were not particularly interested. Bill Tilly MP however was, particularly with a state election on the horizon. He made a promise and kept it. ...$250000.00 if Libs won. They did and so did our committee. We will always have great respect for Bill.

The roof and acoustic ceiling along with rewiring electricals was a great start. The place was dry and safe but other works were required to bring this facility into the 21st century and beyond. GRANTS!...let’s try one or two...and we did. In fact pre bushfire 9 grants of various value were applied for. Sadly we missed out on one!! Blinds, painting, security and a range of others.

Immediate works required were:
1. Preventing water inundating under RSL hall
2. Works to upgrade entrance floor surface as slippery when wet and an OH&S cause of great concern along with non-compliant hand rails.
3.Stage lighting, solar and generator.

The list went on and on...


We all recall those dreadful frightening days and nights. Such a disaster BUT look at the community now. So much money and support including that for the Memorial and RSL halls.

Both State and Federal governments came out with Grant funding opportunities, however proof was required of need and outcomes for the community, if applications successful. Grant writing became a speciality.

Long hours in front of a computer along with countless hours gathering information, photos, quotes letters of support etc. Such a thrill when that initial phone call comes congratulating us on success. It is addictive and not for the faint hearted.

Corryong Bushfires 2020 sm

Total funding received by both halls, through grants, is pushing one point five million dollars plus. Sounds a lot but you don’t get a large bang for your buck these days.

Current works in progress when complete will lead toward this one facility (both halls) becoming an evacuation centre in the unfortunate event of another disaster. All our post bushfire grants were written around the need for improved community safety, immediate housing and increased protection during and immediately following disaster. Time will tell. As we speak the installation of disable bathrooms is underway, one at each hall.

Cafe Corryong Brew

To be continued...


Another remarkable part of history of Memorial hall. Helen Marshall and Heather Baird approached our committee at the same time we were applying for a FRRR grant to update the old foyer kiosk. Helen and Heather both had retired from Corryong College, Helen as the Hospitality teacher.

Both ladies have a passion for encouraging and nurturing students in hospitality. They considered the Memorial Hall foyer a great place for a café. Much costly work was required along with planning and permits.

Our grant application of $40000.00 was successful. Helen and Heather contributing a further $40000.00, work began, a lease was entered into and business began. This business has made such a difference to the old building and contributes nicely to hall financial aspect. This happy welcoming place is streaming along becoming a meeting place for locals and visitors. We will be so sad if or when Helen decides to retire. Due to health concerns Heather retired last year however we are thrilled she now makes an appearance on Helens day off.

Our committee is not afraid of change and continually look for ways to provide a better facility for this community and contribute toward tourism growth. Our murals depicting conflict stories were all enabled by grant funding as was the rear carpark.

It is well worth a visit to the Memorial garden and surround to view 3 magnificent murals Mr Gordon Hamilton bequeathed $40,000.00 to the Memorial hall many, many years back, committee of the Memorial and RSL halls will be a very happy, before we all retire, can complete works on both halls handing over to the next generation, debt free and still holding $40000.00